Como llegar
Our Hostel is conveniently located in the heart of Katoomba, just a five minute walk from Katoomba train station and close to the main shopping area, cafes, bars and restaurants.
If you cancel or modify your booking up to 3 days before your date of arrival, no fee will be charged. If you cancel or modify your booking within 3 days of your arrival date, or, in the case of a no-show, 100 percent of the first night will be charged.
Check in is between 2pm and 9pm. Each person staying with us must have sufficient identification documents upon arrival, a passport or a drivers license will be required at check in along with a refundable $20 cash key & linen deposit for each key provided. This is payable in cash upon arrival and will be refunded to you when your keys are returned on your departure. For all private rooms booked a valid credit card will also be required at check in. Any payments for accommodation must be paid in full. Check out is between 8.30am and 10am.